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Retour des afro descendants au Gabon pour la mémoire de la traite négriere et des traditions ancestrales

The Foundation's cultural projects

The Foundation is honored to present the Festival des Cultures Altogovéens (FESTICA)

A non-profit, non-governmental organization

The Foundation's mission is to support and promote, in accordance with the philanthropic and humanist vision of Mr. Philibert Bongo AYOUMA

La Fondation Philibert BONGO AYOUMA œuvre dans les domaines de la culture

The Philibert BONGO AYOUMA Foundation works in the fields of culture, organizing, producing and participating in all types of culture-related events.

A non-profit organization

The Philibert BONGO AYOUMA Foundation

Created in 2021, the Philibert BONGO AYOUMA Foundation is an organization dedicated to promoting culture, education, health and environment. Its mission is to enhance quality of life for the most disadvantaged communities by providing access to education, quality healthcare and by helping to preserve their cultural heritage.







Notre mission

In keeping with the philanthropic and humanist vision of Mr Philibert BONGO AYOUMA (1934-2014), the Foundation's mission is to support and promote various projects in the above-mentioned sectors through the following actions 

Organization, production and participation in all types of cultural, educational and health-related events. 

Allocation of all types of support for projects related to its field of action Passing on the expertise acquired by the Foundation in the fields of culture, education and health

Transmission de l’expertise acquise par la Fondation dans les domaines ayant trait à  la culture, l’éducation et la santé 

Use of various resources to pursue its missions, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions.

Our activities

Organizing cultural events


Granting of all types of support for projects

Les Plateaux are not for sale

No to eucalyptus monoculture by the GSEZ group's sequoia plantation company in the plateaux.

Nos évènements

Fescute GABON 2023
23 au 26 juin 2023

“Fescute Gabon 2023. Franceville au cœur de la culture ! Des délégations venues d’Afrique, d’Europe et d’Amérique sont attendues.”

Participation au Festival culturel de Milan
juin 2022

“Évènement marquant la participation au festival culturel de milan”

Lancement des activités de la Fondation Philibert BONGO AYOUMA
Décembre 2021

“Évènement marquant le lancement des activités de la fondation”

Nos actualités

Galerie photo

Nos partenaires
